Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Beryl here, I love to needle felt but don't do it the traditional way with wool roving, I use fabric with a design on it. At the moment I'm playing with a satin Chinese-type fabric, the colors and designs are so beautiful.

I lay the fabric on felt and using the Embellishing machine work from the front and then from the back. I love the distorted surface design it creates which also  has a wooly effect.

 Once I have a few different sheets of these I just cut into them and start layering them into a desired design. The next stage is to embroider and bead to my hearts desire, sometimes knowing when to stop is the problem.

So now I have an image which has come about by adding tyvek motifs and fabric paper panels, beads and brads. This panel is one of seven which will become a book (I think.)


  1. I LOVE needle felting as well Beryl. Silk fabrics of all types are my favorites but I will try anything! Your piece is wonderful.

  2. Thanks Liz, will post piece when finished !

  3. This is beautiful! I just finished a felted Kindle cover - just need to attach it to the Kindle cover. I like to use small scraps of fabric for the base, along with a little roving. And you're right - the hardest part is stopping!

  4. ooooh! needle felting with fancy fabrics! looks like something I need to add to my repertoire too... can't wait to see this book finished!
